Monday, December 28, 2009

2009--Michael Jackson

every time an individual
or inadvertently gains
a god-like
the fall is sure to be tragic.

I remember first 'hearing' MJ
while on a musical ride in Coney Island
--Off The Wall--

I remember first 'seeing' MJ
on a CBS special where he first showed us
The Moonwalk during
--Billie jean--

Up until that point
our little lives had never
seen anything like it--
we were hooked!
It was all MJ, all the time
No matter what team you rooted for:
Rock or disco.

Hip-hop blossomed soon after.

As we grew up
we grew him up.
His ego, his ambition, his appearance--

the music, the dancing
dissolved into the background
as the headlines jumped to the front.

All that remained of his public persona
was a distorted semblance of
what we first saw

the music lingers and grows
as art often does--

there really was
no other way his story could have ended

no way it could have been any different

he was on a collision course with himself

and we remain spectators

with his music in our memories
as an enduring gift...

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